From the recording Give Me Your Heart, Oh Mother!

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¡Oh Inmaculada!

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Words and Music by SCTJM, 2003


-----------------------LETRA ORIGINAL: ESPAÑOL-----------------------

Oh Inmaculada Virgen María,
Reina y Señora de nuestro corazón!
Te damos las gracias por la vida,
que le has dado a nuestra congregación!

A tu corazón confió el Señor, María
dar la vida a esta fundación
Y por tus manos benditas,
hemos recibido las gracias de Su Corazón


Hoy te entregamos nuestras vidas, María,
a tu cuidado confiamos nuestro porvenir
Se tu la luz que nos ilumine,
la estrella que nos guíe, en nuestro caminar


-----------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION-----------------------

Oh Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Queen and Lady of our hearts!
We give you thanks for the life
that you have given to our Congregation!

To your heart, Mary, the Lord entrusted
the giving of life to this Foundation
And through your blessed hands,
we have received the graces from His Heart


Today we give you our lives, Mary;
to your care we entrust our future
Be the light that illumines us,
the star that guides us along our journey


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¡Todo por el Corazón de Jesús, a través del Corazón de María!

All for the Heart of Jesus, through the Heart of Mary!